Friday Finds: Book haul from Chapters!


Every book lover has their favourite bookshop, that one store that you get excited even thinking about going to and for me that bookshop is Chapters Bookshop in Dublin. I have been shopping here for as long as I can remember and the experience is always the same, you are greeted by a sea of beautiful books in a relaxed atmosphere that makes browsing for your next great love extremely enjoyable. The staff are always really helpful and genuinely seem interested in talking to you and helping you find what you are looking for without being pushy or overpowering like some sales people can be.

My favourite part of Chapters however is when you walk upstairs to a vast array of second hand books all in excellent condition. I am one of those people who likes to own the books they read so second hand is often the way to go or else my book habit would render me completely bankrupt. Chapters only takes in good condition second hand books so you know you are getting quality reads at low prices, which is exactly what I did today!

Below are some pictures of my haul which includes nine books of my list and one that I have heard great things about about so I just couldn’t pass by. If you want to check out Chapters bookshop you can on their Facebook and Twitter.

























































And my non list buy:



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